Friday, December 31, 2010

10... 9... 8... 7... OMG I CANNOT WAIT, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It's the last day of 2010, can you believe it? It feels like time zoomed past and I'm lost in the dust, totally disoriented and a bit lost. Looking back is a bit hard too, everything is a jumble of memories, colours, voices, too messy to see clearly. But one recurrent theme in my memories is laughter. And that's good, right? A year spent laughing is definitely something to be proud of.

In 2010,
 I took up guitar! Actually, no.
I cut my hair!
This guitar was merely a prop in my camwhore picture wtf.

I also had great times with friends!

I drank waaaay too much coffee. Procrastination is bad for you, people.

Did my bit for domestic violence!
 Not my best picture, but yeah. STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!

Went for my first ever countdown
 with a truly awesome guy!

Had my first ever parasailing experience!
 Was scared shitless before we went up, but up there it was just... calm. I botched the landing though, sorry David!!

 But David isn't the grudge-holding type.

Have I mentioned spending 2010 having fun with friends? Cos I did, and I can't imagine any better way to spend my time.

Got my culture on at the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, yo. It was awesome! Will go again cos there are cheap tickets sometimes, RM10 is totally affordable right!

Made new friends! In this case, David's friend Thaddeus (the tall guy, far right) who drove us to Seremban to visit Sasa (the short girl in white shorts =P).

Christmas party at Chrissy's with Ming! We may have scared him with our ability to talk non-stop. Ho ho ho!

And best of all, I spent 2010 having an awesome time with my family.
We've gone through ups and downs together, always bickering and making up but never ever letting any member go through shit alone. We've gone through my turbulent teenage years together, the soundtrack of those years being "YOU GUYS DON'T UNDERSTAND ME!", accompanied by tears and slammed doors. I've gotten older and wiser now, though, and my parents and I have forged bonds that are stronger than ever *cue happy tears*
But seriously. This year, more than ever, we've gotten closer. They are less my PARENTS and more my friends. Who tell me to clean my room and to be home before the sun rises. But you know, friends.

2011 is going to be just as awesome, if not more so!



Liz said...

Woi. You didn't have to point out the fact that I'm short you know. Totally UNNECESSARY !!!!! =.=|||

Ahaha, Happy New Year, MayMay !!!! Hope you have an awesome year ahead, with MORE awesome times with friends !!! *hint hint* :D

Love ya loads hon !!!!! <3