Monday, November 8, 2010

Holiday Happiness!

 The journey kicks off!

 At Sentral, waiting to board!
Waiting is boring business, you know.
Chrissy and David
 Me and David! Excuse the makeup-less face and crap hair.

 Chrissy being super excited about her first train trip!
I was a bit paranoid, because the last time I took a long-distance trip (to Singapore with my parents when I was really young), we ended up over-sleeping and woke up in the train yard place.. we had to hitch a ride with a train engine back to the platform!
Didn't happen this time though!
Since we didn't get a private cabin thing, we were packed into a dorm-like train car, with bunk beds lining both sides. Between the rumbling of the train and the snores of my fellow passengers, it's a wonder I managed to sleep. It helped that I was dead tired I guess. 

 It's a small bed, and there's no luggage space!
The little space at the side is where I shoved my legs to sleep.
Not good for claustrophobic people. I had a teeny little window at the side, but the view was pretty much 'black blob, black blob, house, orange lights'. Boring max.

 Look at the retro bedside light!

 David's unique style of chilling in bed.
Oh, notice the seatbelt-esque thingies? Safety first, folks.

 Getting off the train at 6 in the morning!

This isn't the end of the journey. It's just the beginning =D