Tuesday, June 22, 2010


are yummyyyy!

No, I'm not talking about 

THIS kind of nerd.

I'm talking about

THIS sort!

NO, NOT ME! The little boxes beside my head!

Wonka Nerds, to be exact. I see them on sale only sporadically (or maybe I don't go grocery shopping often enough *shamefaced*), so when I saw them today in Jaya Grocer (YES, EMPIRE AGAIN, I can't help it if I love that place!), I totally bought two packets. One for me, one for my little brother. See, I'm so nice. Anyway, it's his birthday today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAI LOU! I'M REALLY GLAD (MOST OF THE TIME) THAT YOU WERE BORN 12 YEARS AGO! <3 <3 <3

Okay, enough about him. On with the Nerds!


Nerds are little candies - "They look like dog food", as quoted by Aaron - that are sourish-sweetish AND OH-SO-GOOD. As you can see from the box, they come in two flavours per box:

TAA-DAAAH! Sorry ar, picture a bit blur. 
Anyway, this is strawberry and grape-flavoured, and you can eat them together, or separately. They taste good together, though! So try them that way!

I wanted to eat them, but I decided to camwhore first. Such is my dedication to my craft.

Don't ask what my craft is. I just put that part in there to seem more awesome.

At only RM4.90 per box, it's really quite affordable and different from the usual stuff you find on the shelves next to the cashier. By the way, I really think they arrange it that way so you get tempted to buy sweets while waiting in line. Quite pandai huh. Crap, I totally got sucked into the consumer trap.

Oh well. The trap is yummy! Keep importing Nerds, and you'll have a happy May Lee leaping into the trap.


Liz said...

It's quite yummy really ! But, the colouring !!!! o.O